About the Providers

Sarah Grinnell, MEd, EdS, LPC, NCSP


Many young people face issues that are too difficult to overcome alone. These challenges can feel like unhappiness, like something is wrong, or like the path you are on is no longer the right one. The difficulties can be at work, school, in your personal life or in your relationships. Sometimes the issues seem to be internal or in relate to general emotional well-being. Gifted children can face unique challenges that can easily go unrecognized and unaddressed. Gifted and high performing individuals often struggle alone and feel like they should know how to manage the feelings or situations that are that are causing misery.

In my practice, I specialize in providing the strategies and supports in a way that targets each client’s strengths and gifts. I have over 20 years of professional experience helping people find a path to success. Together we can identify a path that has concrete steps and strategies to help meet those needs. Let’s get you help you deserve.

People and families are all unique and I am excited to help. The path to peace and betterment often requires effort not only from the client but also from their support system. Progress is always about working together to create the change the client needs. I am here to get you started and keep the momentum going.

My areas of specialty include:

  • Gifted and Talented 

  • Twice Exceptional

  • Perfectionism

  • Motivation Difficulties/Task Paralysis

  • Autism

  • Parenting

  • ADHD and Executive Functioning Disorders

  • Anxiety

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